Hot Candidates


Candidate 1 - Solutions Architect

Industry - consultancy
Experience - 4 years in current role
Location - London
Current salary - £65K

Tech skills

Design Think practitioner | Design Think Co-create practitioner | Design Think for Article intelligent|
LeanlX Cloud-Native practitioner | Cloud computing retail innovation | Cloud Intelligent Media &
content management | Cloud computing Microservice | Blockchain deployment essentials | Cloud
security specialist | Cloud service and operations| Cloud-based Test-driven deployment method |
Engineering Authority Trained | Microsoft Certified Professional

Candidate 2 - Information Architect

Industries - pharma, consultancy, financial services
Experience - 11 years at current level
Location - Worcestershire
Current salary - £75K

Tech skills

Agile Environment Management: Dynamics ecosystem Project Management (PPP), SAFe, Trello,
Scrum, Kanban | Development Operations: Docker & GitHub | Autonomous Services| Visio Stencils |
Workplace Application: Office 365 Collaboration | Zoom | WebEx | Mural | Stormz | Kahoot |
framework & governance: Architecture Development Method | Document Management Platforms:
SharePoint Portal, Domain Services Mix Reality: Augmented Reality & Data Visualization | User
Experience: AdobeXD, Design, prototype InDesign, Premiere Photoshop.

Candidate 3 - Senior Solutions Architect

Industry - consultancy
Experience - 8 years at current level
Location - London
Current salary - £87K

Tech skills

AWS | GCP | Cloud Migration | Microservices | Monolith Decomposition | Containers | Databases:
Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, NoSQL | Integrations: REST APIs, Message Broker (Kafka, RabbitMQ),

Candidate 4 - Tech/Domain Architect

Industry - consultancy
Experience - 1 year in current role
Location - Slough
Current salary - £50K

Tech skills

Big data Solutions | process enhancements | stakeholder engagement | client relationships |
software engineering | archimate modelling | project management | SCRUM | systems integrations
& landscaping.

Candidate 5 - Systems Analyst/SME Tech Lead

Industry - SMEs / high growth companies
Experience - 13 years in current role (30 years in systems)
Location - Trowbridge
Current salary - £65K

Tech skills

IBM mainframes including Telon, Cobol, IMA DB/DC, CICS, DB2, DL/I, JCL, VSAM, TSO/ISPF, MQ, FTP,
sFTP, Clists, Rexx, SQL & Endevor | MS Office, including Word, Access, Excel, Visio, MS Project |
Quality Centre | Sharepoint | UML/OCL | Access Visual Basic | Java | XML | CA Rally | iServer |

Interested in any of our specialist candidates? Get in touch!